Friday, February 27, 2009

School Song

School song
Let us sing to this our high school
Where with minds and bodies free
We may grow in grace and beauty
Straight and true as our tall trees

Chorus:Truth, because we dare to speak it
Unity, to make us strong
Concord, nearer to each other
Brings us nearer so to God

Cheltenham our alma mater
Happy hours of work and play
Knowledge slowly turns to wisdom
Lighting up our high school way

When shall come the time to leave her
Face the world with courage high
We shall bear our motto forward
Turn to life, and proudly cry

I still don't know how to sing the school song. Our school assembly is every fortnight. SO.... I still have 'lots' of time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,we have new version of school song too!:))))
created by lee ling wei

but i dont know how to sing =(((

February 27, 2009 at 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So will u all be singing it during assembly?? :p

February 27, 2009 at 6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So paiseh i am her sister which is a good and popular singer, and she don't even know how to sing her school SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 27, 2009 at 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know?!But I sure ling wei will sing start from next monday.

I just know part of the lyric.

我爱wan hsuen 漂亮潇洒
我爱wan hsuen 聪明天才
我爱wan hsuen 一支stickman

HAHAHA.I'm not sure.Go ask lingwei if you want to know.

February 28, 2009 at 12:12 AM  

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