Sunday, March 1, 2009

Split Personality

It is the first of March today, which means it is the first day of Autumn in Australia. And I just found out I have split personality.
First half of me: How is Autumn like?
It should be cold, leaves should be falling of trees.......

And, it should be like the picture above right??



How come it's still warm, and the leaves is still green, flowers is still blooming.....

And it's still like that.....






Second half of me: Stupid of you, don't you know why??

Cause it's just day of Autumn. =.=" You just can't expect miracle to happen. Don't tell me before you go to sleep on the the last day of summer, the flowers are still blooming. And when you wake up on the next day which is the first day of Autumn, all the flowers are dead.....

OMG!! I think I need to see a psychiatrist and I don't have the money to do so... :(

Pray for me.... I have accounting exam tomorrow....


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