Friday, December 19, 2008


TIRED!! I am exhausted. Just came back from kumon camp yesterday. It was a 3 days 2 night camp. I met lots of friends from all over Malaysia, including Penang, Melaka and Johor Bahru. Had a really fun time there.

Day 1
We gathered at KL Sentra at 8.30am and the bus departed at 10.00am. Arrived around 10.30am (a really short trip). After the bus stopped, we walked down the hill into Agrotek, Ulu Langat. On the way down the hill, some orang asli wearing mask jumped out of the bushes to scare us. Some of the students were afraid and shouted really loudly.
10.30-11am: Had 'breakfast' ( sandwiches)
11am-2pm: Ice breaking session and we were broke into 8 tribes and told to be called apache. The name of my group was GHOSTLY WOLF.
2-3pm: Check into to our rooms and had lunch.
3-6pm: Outdoor activities (made our own Tribal flag, logo, 'cry', totem tower and an aeroplane) We got 1st place for the best, strongest... aeroplane.
Guess what was our group's cry??
After that some of my friends and i went to try out the flying fox. The cables for the flying fox were 190m long (longest in Selangor) and 70m high in the air. It was my first time trying out flying fox and it was really fun.
6-7pm: Wash up
7-8pm: Dinner
8-9.30pm: Briefing and Talk on Gratitude and Forgiveness (We were also asked to write a Thank You card to Mummy, Daddy and my instructor, Ms Lee)
9.30-11pm: Night walk..This was actually my first time going into the jungle at night, kind of scary plus one tribe which is 30 apaches in a tribe were only allow to bring three torch. We put as much insect repellent as we can to prevent leaches from sucking our juicy blood. The jungle was mostly stream, so we were mostly in water. All of us came out wet but safely and I felt it was a really good experience for me.
11-11.45pm: Wash up and had supper
11.45-12pm: Short briefing on what time and where will we be meeting the next morning. We were told that we don't have to do kumon worksheets for that day.
12am.... Lights off and GOOD NIGHT
7.00-7.30am: Morning exercise..walk up a steep hill and start doing stupid stuff on top of the hill like the Mr Bean dance.......
7.30-9am: Breakfast
9am-12pm: The completers presentation, Motivational talk by Nigel(1 of the completers) & Goal Setting
12-2pm: lunch and get ready for the 'war' (outdoor activities against other tribes)
2-6pm: Outdoor activities.. Enjoy the swimming and the river rafting competition the most. We won the other tribe by 5-1.. GHOSTLY WOLF ROCKS!!!!!!!!
6-7pm: Free time..We went to the river to swim. I was pushed down into the river on purpose by my friends and the sole of my right foot got cut by the sharp rocks. But we still had a fun time. Some of them even carry the gals and swing them into the river..
7-8pm: Wash up
8-9pm: BBQ Dinner.. really YUMMY
9-10.30pm: Camp fire, THE HAKA COMPETITION (marks were given to the most creative HAKA) & the singing competition (it was all a tribe versus tribe competition)
GHOSTLY WOLF'S HAKA was like this...
Ka mate Ka mate
Kaore Kore
Puruhu pu
A hupane hupane x2
Kaupane Fataneh Whiti Terah
10.30-11pm: supper, wash up
Actually we were supposed to sleep after that but our tribe have to stay up to make our presentation the next day a success. Slept around 3am and woke up at 6am, only got 3 hours of sleep.

Day 3
7.30-8.30am: Breakfast
8.30-11am: Presentations
After the presentation by each tribes, the results were out...
And guess WHAT..............................
GHOSTLY WOLF got 3rd place.......
forgot who got 2nd place
rising tiger got 1st place
11am-12pm: Check out and GOODBYES
Had a really fun time.............
I feel this was the best KUMON camp among all the three kumon camps I have been to..

My name tag

My badge

My certificate


Anonymous Anonymous said...

didnt read the whole post though
forgive my laziness pls
btw i love d certificate lah
so nice man!

December 31, 2008 at 3:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jying here...

wow..i like ur name tag,badge n also the certificate...
very nice..n quite special from others...

January 5, 2009 at 4:33 AM  

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