Monday, January 12, 2009

My family and I had lots of farewell dinner with our relatives and close friends. And I have put on a lot of weight..T.T.. went for one today as well.. Erm.. Maybe can go down when I am in Australia cause don't have money to eat. The food there is like damn expensive after conversion. Not only the food, all the stuff there costs us a boom. Then maybe I will accomplished at least one of my New Year Resolutions. =.="

Actually I am typing this post at 00:37, 13th of January 2009, but there's something wrong with the time in my blog.. slow by 15 hours..It's kinda frustrating sometimes. And as I am a 'buta technology', I don't know how to change the time. Can someone teach me???

Actually, I stay awake until so late just because I wanna be the 1st to wish my mum Happy Birthday!! And I can't possibly wish her now as she is asleep..

Happy Birthday MUMMY,

You are the best,
I love you,
May all your wishes come true....

Your daughter

Date: 11th of January 2009 (Sunday)
Occasion: Our farewell dinner + mum's early birthday celebration

Happy Family
with mum's birthday cake

*I don't really look nice*

All of us..Big Family

Don't know why the picture is upside down. Rotated it. but it's still the same..
haiz..told u all I am a 'buta technology'

Mum + pure cheese cake

We had a really fun time chatting with each other, playing.... I'm really gonna miss them.

Ps: I used purple colour for the word Happy Birthday Mummy cause that's mum favourite colour.


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