Thursday, February 26, 2009


We had our Second assembly in school today and we had to sing the school song. And guess what, I don't know how to sing so I just kept quiet. ............... . And the stupid and irritating teacher stared at me. I was like WTF, I don't even know how to sing how am I suppose to sing?? So I just open my mouth and pretended to sing with no sound coming out from my mouth. And the girl beside me whom I don't know started to stare at me. She might be thinking what is wrong with me?

There is an auction for teacher in our school.
It works like this. A list of teachers name were wrote down and what they will be going to do if their tin is full of money after a week. Teachers whose name are on the list were given an empty tin each.
Aim: Is to get students to donate money to ...?

One of the teacher have to sing Karaoke during assembly if his (Don't know his name) tin is full of money.
The principal and vice principals have to wear Cheltenham pink school uniform for a day. And guess what?? One of the vice principal is a boy......
But he will be wearing our sports uniform... Can't imagine them in uniforms...
Lots more....

Presentation about the swimming carnival which was held on the 16th of February 2009 (monday). And I got first place... Nah, just kidding.. :P

On the first assembly, there will a few announcement from our vice principal.
She said that two of Cheltenham girls were saw taking of their dresses in the train station, because the weather is too hot...I was like WTH, although it's like 40 degrees Celsius but you are still not allowed to do that in public right?? If they were in Malaysia, they might be caught and put in jail... =.="
Another one is a Cheltenham girl was almost kidnapped.. And I was like WTH again, cause I thought Australia is a save country....

Guess what is the theme of our school? (Sherene will love it) =.="


PINK-Everything in the school is pink, even the building of the school is pink in colour......
Proud-Don't know what does it stands for..?
Public-Cause this is a public school


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah,I love it!
I mean for the pink uniform and pink building.
But your school's rules are abit weird for me.
Why the teacher is going to sing k if her tin is full of money??
and I cant imagine the principal and vice principal are wearing pink too.The whole school is like mad!hahaha
and I just told lingwei them yesterday,if I m going to be prime minister 1 day,the very 1st thing i would do is....change our ugly uniform to a pink one!hahaha...their respond is like : yucks!Omg!
hey feel free to post up a pic of ur uniform,i want to see you in pink!hehe

February 27, 2009 at 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, that's not a rule.. it's an auction for teachers..
If their tin is full of money, they have to do stuff that were agreed. So students have to put money into the tin to make it full, if they want to see the teachers doing those stuff.
I will post a pic of me in the school uniform as soon as possible. :P

February 27, 2009 at 6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my ? What a special school theme! Haha! Got a bit shocked when I saw your school theme.

March 6, 2009 at 6:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sotong Kurita:

March 6, 2009 at 8:16 PM  

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