Friday, March 6, 2009


Hmmmm...What should I post about??
I have run out of ideas what to post..
Leave comments and give me some ideas on what I should post...




Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can post whatever you want =)
either funny posts or about ur life,
seriously,I've lost the passion to blog.Lol.I got nothing to blog about larh except crapping(dats my hobby)

March 7, 2009 at 10:13 AM  
Blogger .lost.soul. said...

This is Ling Wei by the way. 8D

I know what you mean... -.-;;
Finding some sort of crap to post can be haaaaard.
*faces the same problem herself, but was forced by SOME ungrateful people to post*
Anyways, might be a surprise to see me here. =D
I did visit your blog at times, but I see no chat box, so I never left any comments, until I heard from Sher and the others about HOW to leave comments in your blog. xD
...the old style. =P

By the way, feels weird cause sometimes when I pass by your house over here...
Somehow can imagine JojoFoo standing outside of the house, doing something... >>;;

March 7, 2009 at 4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. It's ok if you lost passion in blogging but don't you ever lost passion in reading my blog. :P

oo. Is this the old way of commenting? Those that mean I'm outdated?
HAHA.. There's someone staying in that house already, right?
Anyway, how are you?

March 7, 2009 at 10:18 PM  

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