Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

It has been ages since I last update my blog.
It was all because of the stupid exam which is over now. I am really scare now and I don't want my results back.
Don't have to go to school on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.. Cause some of the students are still having their exams.. Really happy..
Anyway, the main reason I post this is to wish every single mum on this universe..


To dearest mummy (although I know you don't read my blog) :

Happy Mother's Day. Thanks for everything you have done for me. I love you very much.


I didn't buy anything for my mum. I only made a mother's day card for her. But it's not the gift that counts, it's the thought that counts right?? Plus if I buy her something, I am still using her money. I want to work but no one wants to employ me. :(

Mum, you will always be in my heart.


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