Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am soooo out of date... I don't even know a single thing that is happening in Kwang Hua...
Friendss please leave comments and keep me up to date..
I want to know the MR and MS rumah of each RUMAH
I want to know all the AJK's of each RUMAH!!!!!
I need it desperately.. :P

p/s: Hng don't remember when is my birthday.. *SOB*
pp/s: Sherene's birthday is two days away.


Anonymous sherene said...

oh!!!jojo!!!im so touched u still remember my bday!!!haha,urs is 9 of nov rite??
hehe,i juz know the ms,mr rumah of a,c and e.
A-wong li sze from 5a1
C-tan ky li our assistant monitor,kok yuan from 5s5(yinhui said he's damn handsome)
E-tan yi ling from 5s2,mr rumah a guy from 5s6

while the ajks are:
A-tong kwan sheng from 5s7
B-run hong from 5s1 (nt sure d spelling)
C-chew sing han from 5s4
D-dono who's d ketua,hian ee is d penolong ketua
E-teh jia yap from 5s2

p/s:yeah!!!finally im the first!!!hahaha
p/p/s:i miss u vry much!!!when r u coming back???

March 29, 2009 at 7:33 AM  
Anonymous Chef Jocelynn said...

I miss you too. :( But I don't have the money to fly back. For the 1000000000th times. Do you think I don't feel like going back.?

How come you don't know all of them?? tell me after the school sports day. OK?

March 29, 2009 at 10:57 PM  
Anonymous Sotong Kurita said...

Haha..Jojo...I didnt remember your birthday ..but you didnt even knew mine ..T.T

Hei jo , juz now at assem headmaster Dr Chin said that we're gonna have a fund raising of some kinda food build a new block in our school..

Updated you a little yeh ? haha

Ah yes , and by the way, from this year onwards we are all wajib'ed' to order BM magazines from school to read cuz the spm in bm results dropped this year.

And summore..we received a page of rules for sports day ..=.= from our new Professor.Signed by him ..

Err..I think there's no more new news bout kwang hua. I'll update you if we have any news. The other's can update you too..they're more pro than me. haha

March 30, 2009 at 4:26 AM  
Anonymous Chef Jocelynn said...

Sotong Kurita:
I told it's not that I don't remember. It's that I have never knew when is your birthday.:P
Anyway, thanks for the update. I want more interesting update. :P

March 30, 2009 at 2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the overall champion for sport day was............

Rumahhhhhhhhhhhhh DDDDDD...


Pembarisan -Rumah C (congratz to Sherene)...
Perhiasan - Rumah A...

n now our new prime minister is Najib...


April 3, 2009 at 4:03 AM  

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