Thursday, March 12, 2009


What are the differences between Malaysia and Australia?
The most obvious thing is the toilet..

Toilets in Australia including public toilets, school toilets... are like the toilets in a 5 star hotel in Malaysia. There are toilet paper in every single one of the toilet in my school.

When my sis reached the campus in Tasmania, she called back and guess what was the first thing she said?? She said that the toilets in the campus is like toilets in a 5 star hotel.
That day, I had a conversation with my friend:

Friend: In China, the toilet is sucky!! We just practically pee into a hole. The first time I went there, I didn't know what was that hole for. And I almost stepped into that hole... And the toilet there stinks. There's no toilet paper and no toilet door. Toilets in Australia are the best!!

Me: I agree that the toilet stinks but I still prefer those squatting toilets so that my body will not have any contact with the toilet bowls.

Second obvious thing is the drivers:

I have never ever see this scene in Malaysia before.

But the divers in Australia are getting worst now. They have also started the culture of honking.

Shopping complex

Shopping complex in Australia usually closes at 5pm. Don't even have the chance to go out on weekdays. So boring.

Prefer the shopping complex in Malaysia. Get to watch midnight movies in the cinemas, shopping till 12am....


School in Australia have lockers. We can put our stuff in our lockers, but we have to pay $40 for it, so I don't own one, no money. :( Have to bring my books in and out of school everyday...:( So heavy.

Everyone in school brings their own lunch to school. Till now, I have not buy food from the canteen before.

LOTS MORE......................

I have Bio Quiz on the coming Monday.. Wish me luck.. THX...MUACX...

By the way, it's the 13th of March and it is BLACK Friday.. Don't know what it mean either. :P


Blogger .lost.soul. said...

Lol. I noticed the drivers thing too.
Especially in Japan.
They would bow at other drivers too when driving. -.-;;
But ahh... The toilets. Damn.
I went to this restaurant in Japan, and the toilet there is beyond any 5 star toilets I've seen. xD
And yes about the shopping mall too.
Same thing happened in New Zealand, so ended up hearing loads of complaints from my brother. x.x
Go to Chinatown lah! =P

By the way, I'm always the first to comment. =P

March 13, 2009 at 8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I missed out something. read my next post and you will know what I missed out. :P

Chinatown, I think it is kinda far. :( Have not went visiting around Australia yet. Hope to do so on the coming holidays, which is during April (2 weeks easter holidays).

Thanks for your support (by commenting).

March 13, 2009 at 10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oolala~~ it's very obvious..haha

March 15, 2009 at 2:15 AM  

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