Monday, July 6, 2009


Lots of my friends have to go for National Service. And I am not sure whether I got selected for it or not. What is NS like? Fun? Get to hold a real gun..... Scary? people die....

Anyway, I am currently addicted to Australian Master Chef and this week is the final week...


The theme they have to cook yesterday was MALAYSIAN food.
A contestant named Poh, chose that theme as she won the last challenge. (maybe cause she is a Malaysian)
This was the look of the other contestants when they heard that 'terrifying' news.

Poh is the lady at the left

Anyway, everyone cooked really badly and she won the challenge again. She cooked sambal petai, rice and otak-otak. The tallest girl in the picture got eliminated. :(

As she won the challenge again, she gets another advantage in today's challenge.

Hope she wins...

I like the contestant at the right side of the picture as well. Her name is JUSTINE.

I am having my holidays now. 2 weeks holidays. this is the 1st week. not really interesting. :(


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