Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday (20/01/09)

Went to a shopping mall in Chest wood with my cousin and sister. Had smoked salmon sandwich in Coffee Club for lunch. Went back to his house to play Wii (a type of electronic game). Had dinner at grandma's house. We played mahjong there as well.

Wednesday (21/01/09) TODAY

I woke up at 6.30am to go for exercise, taichi with grandma.
Play computer games (SIMS 2 Double Deluxe).
Lunch (left over food from last night's dinner).
Continue the game.
Took bath around 3pm to get ready to go to aunt's house.
Went to aunt's house to play Wii. (really fun)
Had dinner in aunt's house.
Wanted to stay over at aunt's house but didn't do so.

p/s: I went and found out one of my potential high school. They are Carling ford High School ands Ryde High School. Both co-at schools. The name of the girl school has not been discovered.

This is one of the conversation I had with Joanne a few months back in Malaysia.
ME: I will be migrating to Australia.
JOANNE: oo. Have you found a school there?
ME: No not yet. But I hope to go to a co-at school.
ME: So that I have the chance to meet leng cai.
JOANNE: oo. Then why not you go to a boy school..
ME: =.="

I found my pencil box.. :P Didn't left it in Malaysia.
Can't really post pictures taken in Australia cause my camera has spoiled. :(
Feel kinda old cause I have started playing mahjong and going for taichi. :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hei jo ! ure lik having a good and relaxed time there..envied by us ..hainz...u know..life's gettin hactic here...CNY hasn't even reach and end..loads of homework are already pouring on us...=.= as though its spm tomorrow..hei u have a lot of relatives in aus ho..haha..by the way Happy Chinese New Year!take care. miss you.

January 22, 2009 at 2:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes,like wan hsuen said,im jealous la =P u r like having fun all the time and we r suffering by homeworks here...haha...but yeah!after tomolo (friday) we finally can relax..(juz for 1 week only) haiz sien...anyway happy cny!

January 22, 2009 at 7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI. I am relaxing cause school has not started I guess life will be hectic when school starts. Yup, all dad's relatives are in Australia.
Happy Chinese New year to you too.
I miss you too. :(

Actually you don't have to be jealous cause schools here reopen on the 27th of January which is the 2nd day of Chinese New Year. I will be studying at that time while you all will be on holidays. :( HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR

January 22, 2009 at 3:17 PM  

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