Monday, March 30, 2009


I am blogging from school. (wasting my free period just to post this)

Happy 17th Birthday
May all your wishes come true
I miss you.
You might be wondering who is Sherene. So, I will be posting one of her most beautiful picture in the next post. :P
p/s: I miss the train today. The train door shut in front of my face. Was late to class :( Luckily one of my friend miss it as well. It wasn't my fault. My mum car broke down, so I have to go to the train station by my grandma's car. The journey was delayed.
p/p/s: Physics and Accounting test coming up (today). *pray for me*


Anonymous sherene said...

thank you so much jojo!!!!muacks
dont post up my ugly pic okay??haha
whole class sang bday in d class (chinese period)today.i felt quite gan ga but gandong also lah.everyone wished me.and i have to talk bout my feeling infront of class.omg.i juz knew dat i talk some rubbish coz i really dono wat to say.hahaha.too bad you are not here.if not it would be more prefect.hahaha.thx for everything.

March 30, 2009 at 11:07 PM  
Anonymous Chef Jocelynn said...

You are welcome. It will only be perfect with me around, cause I am perfect.:P
What did you say? I want to know.
Is the chinese teacher still the same?

March 31, 2009 at 3:29 AM  
Anonymous sherene said...

Hahaha.I said:thx everyone for wishing me,im so touched that u guys remember my bday!errrr..then they ask me am i happy?i said yes.they ask me wats my comments to our class.I answered : Im not close with u guys so no idea =D.haha.then they said:okay larh,today we wanna know more about u.i was like :omg!!!!everyone is looking at me.and i just crapping there and show them my presents.then they asked me how am i going to celebrate?and i said,no because daddy said im old ed,no nid to celebrate liao.all sorts of nonsense.haha.actually they asked me go out to tangguhkan the time so dat we can skip the small test given by teacher!was talking rubbish for 10mins,and finally i rescue them!! haha

yaya,still the same,pn tang sok fang!!

March 31, 2009 at 3:49 AM  
Anonymous Chef Jocelynn said...

Good Job in rescuing them.

April 1, 2009 at 4:17 AM  

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