Saturday, March 7, 2009

American Idol.....

I am currently addicted to American Idol Season 8 and the SIMS 2 Double Deluxe, which is kinda bad. :(

American Idol
Two contestants I like the most:

Her name is Alexis Grace. She is only 21 years old and she has a baby, Ryan Elizabeth. She is such a pretty mother. But my mum is prettier. :P Just found out, she tried for American Idol season 4 when she was 16, and season 6 when she was 19. She failed but did not give up. Like I did. opps, wrote the wrong thing, I have never failed before. :P

His name is Danny Gokey. He is 28 years old and his wife has passed away. I read someones blog yesterday, the post said that he joined American Idol AFTER his wife's death. Without a doubt, people will start voting for him because of that. (Sympathy votes count). Nah!! So what, he is a good singer anyway.

I will be having a listening practice for English tomorrow and the real test is on the Thursday. I HAVE TO DO WELL NO MATTER WHAT. So pray for me again.

Guess what I got for Maths?? I am not bragging.. I got 100%. :P

Accounting results will be out on Tuesday. Hope I do really well. So, pray for me again for the hundred time. :P

Thanks for giving me some ideas by commenting. But I think it's not enough. Keep commenting....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow,u are so damn clever lah
always got 100% in test
especially aus's harder than msia alot right????
but u still manage to get 100!!!!!!!
even msia standard is much lower,but i still failed my addmaths.omg!!
give me a slap pls!

March 8, 2009 at 4:35 AM  
Blogger .lost.soul. said...

Lol, to Sher's comments. xD
But still, walao eh!
100 marks ar?
Siao eh meh?!
*speaking with thick Malaysian accent* xD
Then again, good job for 'meningkatkan imej negara kita'. =P
But, aiyah. Expected from you one lah.

By the way, I'm replying here about your questions in the previous post. 8D
...YES, you are. xD
No lah, joking.
It's just that, these days people tend to use the chatbox more than the comment box.
But aiyah, same lah.
This one more easier lah.
No need to deal with those html right?
And, err... Yeah. Someone's staying there.
But still can feel your aura.
Even though I only went there once, not having entered at all some more. xP
I'm okay-okay lah. Nothing much.
Usual stuffs. >>;
But weird for you to ask me that. xD

...I noticed.
I talk a lot of crap, hor? =.=;;

March 8, 2009 at 8:37 AM  
Blogger .lost.soul. said...

Oh ya. Forgot to comment about American Idol.
Because I got watch too. 8D
No lah, actually my maid is watching.
So I mah watch loh.

...But, I dunno who the hell are the two fellas you're talking about. xD
But, I get a feeling the young girl, Allison will win.
Don't know why, just this feeling.
And usually, the people I vote for [in my heart lah] becomes either 2nd or 3rd one.
So... Yeah.

*coughs* Diana Degarmo [if that is how you spell xD] from Season 3 *coughs*

March 8, 2009 at 8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! Congratz Jo!
Yeh..agree with Sher's comments..
I failed in my addmaths too..
Hainz...I was disapointed for a few days but i managed to overcome it.

Gooda Lucka!!

March 9, 2009 at 1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. Thanks for your compliments but it's only by accident (hope not). I am not sure which is harder. I think it is almost the same. You will surely get an A1 for addmaths in SPM . Gambateh!!

haha.. for your 'crap'.
You should watch American Idol, it's really interesting. Hope she will win. Don't know the girl's name cause didn't relly watched that season. If I did, I will not have it remember either. I have Short Memory.

Sotong Kurita:
thanks for your compliment. (it's been the 130000000000th time I said that, just kidding). Did you failed your add maths?? how much did you get. I thought your add maths was better than mine. OR maybe mine is better. :P

March 10, 2009 at 2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello.. jocelynn..
When are you going to add my msn??
my msn is
erm.. how are you? and you life in Australia?
All the best to you la...

March 10, 2009 at 8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Choor Hong:
Hi, I am fine. I just added you. I forgot to add you last time. Sorry. How are you? How is school? All the best to you too. Continue to leave comments on my blog ok??

March 10, 2009 at 10:16 PM  

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