Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Since I miss Malaysian food so much + I am bored to death, so I decided to make Curry Puffs.
First, I went to Franklins to buy the ingredients. Franklins is one of the supermarkets near my house. I bought flour, butter, minced pork and curry powder.
Once I got home, I start by making the pastry.
Ingredients for the pastry:
3 cups flour
¾ cup butter/oil
egg mixture: 1tsp salt + 1 egg + 1 cup water

Mix the flour and butter in a bowl

Add the egg mixture into the bowl

Leave the mixture aside for 30 minutes

Ingredients for the filling:

250gm minced pork

2 small potato-diced

1 small onion-chopped

2 pip garlic-chopped

curry paste½ cup water

In a pan, combine all ingredients for the filling. Cook till minced pork is cooked and the potatoes are softened.

The perfect circle

The fillings

The ‘perfect’ curry puff before baking

p/s: I bake the curry puffs in the oven as it is less fattening and healthier. Must go on strict diet as..... Regretted making curry puffs. L

Anyway, I think I should sign up for the next season of master chef. Nah, just kidding. If you want to try making curry puff, you better not follow my recipe because I can’t guarantee you nice yummy curry puff.

Oh, talking about master chef, Poh (the Malaysian girl) is one of the finalists. But she lost to Julie in the finals yesterday. But I still think she should win. She got invited by an International Chef to cook in his kitchen for a week. Wish her all the best in her future undertakings. I also found out that she was born in Kuala Lumpur and migrated to Australia at the age of 9. J


Anonymous sherene said...

saya pun mahu!
kenapa tak da kirim kepada saya?

July 28, 2009 at 4:16 AM  
Anonymous Chef Jocelynn said...

Beli sendiri LA..

July 28, 2009 at 6:08 PM  

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