Monday, March 16, 2009

All because of Sherene

For Sherene's sake, I spent like 5 hours just to find this photo. (Nah, just kidding) I'm not that stupid. :P

Three girls in Cheltenham Girls' School Uniform
The 1st girl from the right is wearing a Junior's Cheltenham Girls' School Uniform.
The 5th girl from the right is wearing a Senior's Cheltenham Girls' School Uniform. (Which is the one I wear to school everyday)
The 2nd girl from the left is wearing the same school uniform as the 1st girl from the right.
Junior (Year 7-Year10)
Senior(Year 11&Year 12)
I'm in Year 11 this year.. :P (still not the oldest)
By the way, we wear light blue socks and black Shoes. (Don't have to wash my shoes)
This is only the Summer Uniform....


Blogger .lost.soul. said...

The only difference is the buttons? o.o
I even had to go play 'spot the differences' to see the different buttons. xD
Or maybe the cutting, etc.
Don't know anything about that.
But I know I'll cry if I have to wear pink everyday. =D
Good thing we're stuck with white and blue in Malaysia. =P

[ Yes! I'm still number one! =P ]

March 16, 2009 at 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes!im number 2!lols.kay.thx yea ms jojo foo.very touched larh as the title :"all because of sherene" the way d senior's uniform looks nicer than d junior's one.u know why?bcoz of d belt.dat's make us look slimmer!

dis is 10000000000000% much better than d stupid blue apron!bwahahaha

March 16, 2009 at 9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The buttons on the Junior's uniform are 'fake' buttons. Just for decorations.
The buttons on the senior's uniform is usable.
The other different is the senior uniform's has an extra belt on it.
At first, I hate that uniform. But now, I feel it is ok, and I still think it's a bit better than Malaysian's school uniform.
HAHA!! Hope to see you on number 1 again in every single post..

Hi number 2!! HAHA
You should not be happy if I put the title 'All because of sherene' because it means that you are annoying and keep pestering me to do that... Nah, just kidding..:P
Yup, I agree with you. The senior's uniform looks better and it makes you look slimmer.
I think it's better than the blue apron by a bit only la..(Malaysian accent) :)

March 18, 2009 at 2:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woi woi jojofoo..
dont pretend la..
Sher called you to put YOUR photo with you wearing your uniform, not others..
i wana c u in it ..haha

March 18, 2009 at 3:29 AM  
Blogger .lost.soul. said...

Yaloh, I agree with sotong kia. o.o
At first I keep on finding Jojo inside that picture.
I thought you took that picture with your friends' families or something. -.-;;
Then I noticed how come everyone suddenly gather with their families to take photos...
And they took it like advertisements.. >>;;
*feel like an idiot*

March 18, 2009 at 5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sotong Kurita:
By the way, didn't you read my previous posts??
My camera is broken. Have to repair it as soon as possible??
Ok, I promise I go and get it repair it as soon as possible.

I got those photos from the web. it's really hard to find it. It took me ages to find for it. FOr the hundred and fifty five times, MY CAMERA IS BROKEN, SO I CAN't TAKE PHOTos. :P

March 18, 2009 at 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea,sotong thanks for reminding me!haha
i almost forgot bout it!
hey,i ask for d pretty pic of pretty you wearing d pretty uniform!not some strangers dat we dont know leh..

can ah?pretty jojo foo??

March 18, 2009 at 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your compliment. :P
yup, can but you have to wait till I repair my camera.
Can you ask more people to leave comments??
This is the only way we can keep in touch. (excuses)

March 18, 2009 at 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


March 19, 2009 at 11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... waiting ~~
after you repair your camera, take all the photos of U wearing your uniforms. Summer, Autumm or winter or whatever uniform..I wana see all of them ..haha.

Reminder: JojoFoo wearing it .

March 20, 2009 at 12:12 AM  
Blogger .lost.soul. said...

Maybe we should all remind her whenever we post our comments. 8D
Unless... She posted them up by the next post. >>;;
But still..

*whispers* You in uniform, Jojo. *whispers*

March 20, 2009 at 8:56 AM  

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